1) Equity Project charter schools pay their teachers 125,000 dollars per year and they can be fired any time but only 31% of the students at this school pass the new york standardized tests, why if this school is supposed to get the best teachers money can buy?
Link: http://projects.nytimes.com/new-york-schools-test-scores/counties/new-york/districts/new-york-city-district-6/schools/the-equity-project-charter-school
2) Why KIPP and SUCCESS charter schools suspend almost half it's students?, if they hire the good teachers and fire the bad ones suspensions are not supposed to happen in charter schools, period!
Link: http://www.examiner.com/charter-schools-in-washington-dc/kipp-admits-to-high-student-attrition-rates
3) If good teachers are supposed to being capable of teaching any kind of students and charters schools are center of educational innovation , why they reject special education students?
Link http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/11/nyregion/charter-school-sends-message-thrive-or-transfer.html?pagewanted=all
4) If politicians complain that bad teachers hurt students, why they do not complain when special education students are rejected by charter schools?
Link: http://www